World Tourism

About Queen Hatshepsut and achievements Hatshepsut, was the daughter of Thutmose I (also known as Tuthmosis) and Queen Ahmose Nefertari. Hatshepsut (1473-1458 BC) was married to... Information about Alexander the Great and achievements Enter the Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great: one of history's greatest leaders and visionaries, or a ruthless tyrant who massacr... Queen Cleopatra and business achievements Cleopatra (epithet Netjeret-mer-it-es) was actually the last of seven Ptolomaic queens of the same name. Cleopatra VII (ruled ... Information about King Tutankhamun and achievements Tutankhamun (throne name Neb-kheperu-re) the famous "boy king". Tutankhamun was a ruler of the 18th Dynasty (1336-1327 BC). Ironically un... About King Hatshepsut and achievements The "Napoleon" of Ancient Egypt throne name Men-kheper-re. After the death (or removal) of his stepmother Hatshepsut, Tuthmosi... Royal J...