
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2013

[انا مسلم] download facebook Android

Facebook has updated its Android app to version 1.5, with two very important new features: chat, which also has a background mode, meaning you can receive messages while using other apps, and push notifications, which are only supported for devices running Android 2.2 or greater.Although this makes  the app far more complete and (finally) up to par with Facebook for iPhone, Android users still ha ve a lot t o be grumpy about, as the push notifications only refer to chat, not other events suc h as comments and likes. Furthermore, sin ce only 43.4% of users are running Android 2.2, it means that a lot of users out there will miss out on push notifications. For comparison , iPhone us ers have had push notifications since January, and the feature works on both iOS 3.0 and 4.0 devices تحميل برنامج الفيس بوك تنزيل برنامج الفيس بوك على تليفونك مجانا  الفيس ب وك على تليف ونك مجانا   ودردشه مع اصقائك على الفيس بوك  حمل ا...

download facebook Android

Facebook has updated its Android app to version 1.5, with two very important new features: chat, which also has a background mode, meaning you can receive messages while using other apps, and push notifications, which are only supported for devices running Android 2.2 or greater.Although this makes  the app far more complete and (finally) up to par with Facebook for iPhone, Android users still ha ve a lot t o be grumpy about, as the push notifications only refer to chat, not other events suc h as comments and likes. Furthermore, sin ce only 43.4% of users are running Android 2.2, it means that a lot of users out there will miss out on push notifications. For comparison , iPhone us ers have had push notifications since January, and the feature works on both iOS 3.0 and 4.0 devices تحميل برنامج الفيس بوك تنزيل برنامج الفيس بوك على تليفونك مجانا  الفيس ب وك على تليف ونك مجانا   ودردشه مع اصقائك على الفيس بوك  حمل ا...